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Vajanského nábrežie 5
Public relations
Brand awareness

Need to promote your product or service? We’ll choose the right personalities and media to reach your target audience and increase your awareness or sales of your product.

There are huge benefits to working with influencers and media for the long term. They help brands and companies reach a large number of people in a natural way. Visibility = credibility.

Come tell us your story. We’ll find the right solution and give you a full service to make the collaboration effective.


Let's meet

Write, call, come. We want to listen to your idea, discuss the possibilities of cooperation and then show you our vision of how to make the most of your assignment. We will then propose a number of tailored quotations. We will leave the choice up to you.

Insight & strategy

Competitor research, brand analysis, target group and media analysis. We create ideal buyer personas, set the tone of communication and select the best media to communicate your brand and its products.

Preparation of cooperations

We agree with the media on the terms and direction of cooperation, listen to their ideas and requirements and find the ideal fit. If the project requires it, we work with a media agency, which gives us more options and fair quotes.

Management and reporting

We continuously communicate with the media and the client, optimize collaborations, record “mentions” in the media and among influencers and evaluate their results.
with media and influencers, we also helped
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Gallayova 1955/1
841 02, Bratislava

© NAKAZA 2023